Sustainability Communication

Identification Of Stakeholders

Stakeholder opinions are a critical foundation for Getac’s progress. Besides ensuring timely communication and response by each department within their responsibilities to maintain smooth channels for opinions, Getac Technology Corporation's parent company, Getac Holdings Corporation's Sustainability Development Committee Chair convenes all committee members annually to identify stakeholders following the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard.
The stakeholders, ranked from highest to lowest, are customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders, government agencies, external rating agencies, media, and banks, with external rating agencies being a new addition compared to 2022.

Identification of Material Topics

Getac Technology Corporation's parent company, Getac Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Getac Holdings) annually engages in dialogue and negotiation with stakeholders to gather significant issues. Through an identification process, the company discerns sustainability issues impacting operations, finances, and stakeholders. Based on this assessment, it formulates sustainable development plans and goals. In 2023, the company identified 21 sustainability issues aligning with 14 GRI material topics and one customized topic, including newly added topics such as non-discrimination and energy (refer to page 18 for material topic list and topic boundaries compared to 2022). Following the PDCA management cycle, it proposes responses to each issue to mitigate negative impacts and enhance positive potentials, meeting stakeholder expectations and generating positive corporate outcomes.

Stakeholder Communications

Getac establish a systematic daily communication channel to engage with stakeholders and ensure that their perspectives on sustainability issues, both positive impacts and negative consequences, are fully considered throughout our sustainability initiatives. We constantly review and adjust our actions, maintaining timeliness in responding to stakeholders' concerns, to ensure that we uphold our commitment to sustainable responsibility.

  • Customer service section on corporate website (immediately)
  • Sales contract & Non-disclosure agreement (immediately)
  • Telephone customer service hotline (immediately)
  • Channel partner conference (periodically)
  • Consumer service mailbox (immediately)
  • Customer satisfaction survey

  • In 2023, Getac Holding's ignificant subsidiaries conducted at least one customer satisfaction survey, achieving a response rate of 98.99%. The average customer satisfaction score was 93.58 points.

  • Supplier visit (immediately)
  • Supplier procurement contract (immediately)
  • Supplier audit (annually)
  • Supplier query mailbox (immediately)
  • Supplier Conference (periodically)

  • We conduct an annual ESG self-assessment questionnaire for suppliers, achieving a response rate of 98.8% in 2023.
  • A total of 171 suppliers participated in the 2023 stakeholder sustainability issues impact and influence questionnaire, with a 100% response rate.
  • The proportion of global local procurement was 67.4% in 2023.

  • Performance appraisal (annually)
  • Internal announcement (immediately)
  • Employee meeting (annually)
  • Labor management meeting/supervisor meeting/training (periodically)
  • Education & Training (periodically)
  • Employee consultation hotline (immediately)

  • In 2023, a total of Getac Holding's seven subsidiaries conducted Employee Satisfaction Surveys, achieving an average response rate of 99.32% and an average satisfaction score of 87.5 points.

  • Shareholders' meeting/ investor conference (annually)
  • One-on-One Investor Meetings
  • Corporate website (immediately)
  • Market observation post system (immediately)
  • Investor query mailbox / hotline (immediately)

  • In 2023, Getac Holding hosted 3 IR Conference and 26 physical/online meetings with institutional investors.
  • Getac Holding participated in ESG sustainability assessments such as S&P ESG, FTSE ESG, and Sustainalytics.

  • News releases (immediately)
  • Press conferences (periodically)
  • Spokesperson interviews (immediately)
  • Posting of information on the corporate website (immediately)
  • Line App Media Group (Immediately)

  • In 2023, a total of 28 press releases were issued in Taiwan, resulting in over 957 instances of exposure in Taiwan media.

  • Official documents (immediately)
  • Regulatory meetings and training
  • Seminars(periodically)

  • In the 10th Corporate Governance Evaluation, Getac Hodlings ranked in the top 6-20% among listed companies.
  • Getac Technology participated in the Ministry of Economic Affairs' Industrial Bureau's "Low-Carbon Transformation Promotion Project for the Electronics and Information Industry."

  • Daily business transactions (realtime)
  • Annual credit limit renewal and extension (annually)
  • Regular review of company bank account (irregular)
  • Participation in seminars and briefings organized by banks (irregular)
  • Arrangement of meetings between both parties based on business needs (irregular)

  • Getac Technology have undertaken sustainable development fixed deposits with Far Eastern International Bank, contributing to sustainability efforts through support for green financial products

  • Market research agency surveys (ad hoc)
  • Participation in briefings for various awards(regular/ad hoc)
  • Responses to surveys for various awards or research (regular/ad hoc)

  • Getac Technology received the 'Best Companies to Work for in Asia’ by HR Asia for the third time.
  • The Getac brand was named a global leader in IDC MarketScape's evaluations for rugged mobile devices, rugged tablets, and personal computers.