Friendly Workplace


Getac believes that talent is the key to the sustained growth and profitability of a company, and a happy and secure workplace can boost employees' creativity and morale. Therefore, Getac is committed to creating a friendly and safe work environment. Starting with corporate culture, we encourage a culture of transparent and open communication that transcends cultural and regional boundaries. As long as individuals have the ability, they have equal opportunities for advancement. We provide competitive salary and benefits, comprehensive education and training, and a comfortable and safe working environment to attract and retain excellent talent.


Salary and Benefits

  • Compensation System: Adhering to the principles of fairness, justice, and objectivity, Getac Holdings offers equal employment opportunities to job seekers. Employee compensation is not differentiated based on race, religion, political affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or physical or mental disabilities. The company provides salaries and benefits that exceed market standards. The salary level is regularly reviewed by the Remuneration Committee through industry salary surveys to assess the connection between employee compensation and market trends, evaluate salary growth potential, and provide salary increases and promotions to outstanding employees. The allocation of employee bonuses is determined each year based on the business performance and is reported in board meetings and shareholder meetings.
  • Welfare System: Comprehensive welfare measures are provided and arranged by the Welfare Committee. For employees working in Taiwan headquarters, the benefits include labor and health insurance, maternity and paternity leaves (or parental care leave), group insurance, birthday and festive gifts, club funding, employee travel subsidies, employee canteen, gym, English course subsidies, and breastfeeding room. These benefits are superior to the requirements set by the Labor Standards Act. To boost employees' relations with their families and children, movie screenings are held every quarter and employees' families are encouraged to participate. Kunshan employees are entitled to maternity and paternity leaves, leave for female employees to breastfeed their babies at home, and various social insurance protection in accordance with local laws and regulations. In addition to employee travel subsidies and birthday gifts, allowances based on employees' job positions are also provided.
  • Parental Care Leave: The Company has complied with the Act of Gender Equality in Employment and formulated the Regulations for Implementing Unpaid Parental Leave for Raising Children, which state that employees with one year or more of work experience at Getac can apply for a maximum of 2 years of unpaid parental care leave before their children turn three-years-old. After the completion of their unpaid parental care leave, Getac will arrange for them to be reinstated and update them on the company's latest happenings.
  • Retirement Plan: Retirement applications and approvals are based on the Labor Standard Act and the Labor Pension Act. In pursuant to relevant regulations, Getac files report and contributes pension to dedicated pension account of the Bank of Taiwan (applicable to the old pension system) or employees’ personal pension account (applicable to the new pension system).


Human Rights Protection

Getac Group is committed to upholding basic human rights and adheres to the requirements of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). The company supports the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact, and the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. In accordance with these principles, the company has developed its human rights policy to enhance the awareness of human rights among its internal colleagues and stakeholders and to prevent any actions that infringe upon or violate human rights.

Getac’s human rights policy includes:
  • Compliance with local labor rights and regulations and acceptance of inspections and monitoring by competent authorities.
  • Provide a safe, friendly, equal and equal working environment for all employees. Employment and promotion do not differ due to race, skin color, gender, age, language, region, or politics. Unequal treatment, discrimination, sexual harassment and workplace bullying are prohibited.
  • Prohibition of child labor.
  • Respect employees' right to freely choose their work, and under no circumstances shall use forced or coercive means to restrict employees' labor.
  • Employee working hours management and salary payment meet or exceed regulatory standards.
  • Respect the rights of employees to organize and participate in trade unions of their choice, to bargain collectively and to participate in peaceful assemblies.
  • Provide a smooth grievance mechanism, anyone can file a formal complaint, and shall not be discriminated against or retaliated against. We strive to ensure that this process is transparent, and that all grievance will be dealt with anonymously.
In 2022, the company revised its ESG guidelines and supplier code of conduct. The code explicitly states that in ensuring, respecting, and remedying human rights, the company takes actions consistent with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct. These actions include proactively establishing human rights due diligence procedures, identifying and assessing relevant human rights issues, and establishing an effective and confidential internal grievance mechanism to ensure the implementation of the human rights policy. The company also requires its cooperative suppliers to commit to the spirit and fundamental principles of human rights.


Whistleblowing and Complaint Mechanism

Getac Group and its subsidiaries provide a whistleblowing and complaint channel to encourage both internal and external individuals to report any dishonest or unlawful behaviors. Complaint and reporting systems and regulations are established to address issues related to unethical conduct, corporate pollution, workplace harassment, and labor rights, among others. The identity of whistleblowers is kept confidential to ensure their protection, and measures are in place to prevent retaliation or personal threats against them. Upon receiving a complaint or report, the Audit Department or the responsible units will initiate an investigation within a specified timeframe, depending on the nature of the case. Effective communication with the whistleblower regarding the progress of the case is ensured. If the investigation confirms the validity of the reported case, appropriate measures and remedies will be taken in accordance with company policies and regulations to prevent similar incidents from recurring.

Employee Grievance Channel

Taiwan :

Training and Talent Fostering

Getac Technology Corporation's (hereinafter referred to as Getac or the Company) talent development policy aims to enrich employees' knowledge and skills, enhance work efficiency and quality, and integrate career growth with company development. From the beginning of employment, systematic and diverse training programs are implemented to facilitate continuous learning and development among employees. These programs are evaluated based on performance indicators and outcomes, allowing for ongoing optimization and improvement of training effectiveness.
In recent years, with the vigorous development of artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and digital transformation, Getac has adjusted its talent development program accordingly. Our focus is on cultivating and attracting more AI-related technical talent, helping employees learn digital transformation knowledge, and deepening related expertise. Through the application of digital transformation technologies, we aim to enhance work efficiency, improve customer experiences, and even undergo business model transformation.
Getac design a diverse range of courses tailored to the career development needs of employees at different stages. These include training for newcomers, general education, and specialized courses for direct staff, indirect staff, and management positions.

A Healthy & Safe Workplace

As a company that values employee safety and health, we place great importance on occupational safety and health management.Getac implements the occupational safety and health management system in accordance with Article 23 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act to ensuring that our occupational safety and health practices comply with international standards and safeguard the safety and health of our employees in their work.
Getac's management target is to achieve zero deaths and occupational illnesses. We continue to implement workplace health and safety management practices. In 2023, Getac achieved the goal of zero accidents with no work-related injuries. There were no reported cases of occupational diseases or work-related deaths at any of the company's operating locations.