Environmental Protection

Environmental Policy of Getac

Getac Technology Corporation's parent company, Getac Holdings Corporation, with the goal of "Care for the Environment, Embrace Sustainability," has established an Getac group environmental policy that mandates all operational sites to strictly adhere to local environmental regulations. The company advocates for the conservation of Earth’s resources, product recycling and reuse, enhancing energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and prohibiting the use of harmful substances to minimize environmental impact. The Environmental Policy of Getac group is as below:
  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations, Prevention of Risks:Actively pay attention to global climate change trends, assess related risks and opportunities, conduct management and prevention in advance to grasp the development of laws and regulations, and ensure that operations comply with domestic and foreign environmental laws and regulations, such as EU RoHS, WEEE, and REACH; uphold the principle of clean production and strictly implement product and environmental management, build a green product platform and organize green supply chain management to meet customer requirements.
  • Energy-saving, Carbon-reduction, Circular Innovation:In response to the carbon reduction action of controlling the global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius, formulate energy resource reduction (water, energy, carbon emissions, waste) policies and goals, invest resources to implement effective energy and water conservation, and maximize the efficiency of energy resource use; reduce carbon emissions through green manufacturing processes and innovative technologies; continue to improve waste and pollution management performance, reduce emissions and waste in every production link, to achieve the goal of sustainable development and resource recycling/reuse.
  • Green Products, Environmentally Friendly:Advance the environmental protection design of products, restrict the use of toxic and hazardous substances, and select environmentally friendly materials, such as plastic cases that comply with EU RoHS and are free of brominated flame resisting agents. The energy consumption design of the product conforms to the requirements of international energy labels, such as Energy Star, and achieves lightweight packaging, minimized material types, and optimized volume. Under the premise of meeting customer requirements, encourage the use of recycled raw materials and environmentally friendly materials, and reduce the use of packaging materials to reduce environmental impact.
  • Information Transparency, Communication Initiative:Establish communication and consultation channels, disclose information related to environment, and communicate environmental policies with stakeholders. Proactively advocate and publicize sustainable issues, raise the environmental awareness of stakeholders, and leverage corporate influence to jointly promote environmental protection.
  • Continuous Improvement, Effective Management:Establish the environmental goal regular review through the Environmental Management System, and continuously improve environmental management performance through appropriate publicity and training, implementation in daily management—in addition to deepening all employees’ awareness and responsibility for environmental protection—and actively cooperate with customers and suppliers to jointly establish a green and sustainable supply chain.

Getac’s Near-Term Science-Based Targets

Getac's near-term science-based emissions reduction target has been approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). In February 2024, SBTi validated that our targets conform to their Criteria and Recommendations, classifying our scope 1 and 2 target ambition as in line with a 1.5°C trajectory.

“Getac Technology Corporation commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 42% by 2030 from a 2021 base year. Getac Technology Corporation also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services and downstream transportation and distribution 25% within the same timeframe.”

Implementation of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction

To enhance energy efficiency management, Getac Technology Corporation implemented the ISO 50001 Energy Management System in 2023 and obtained third-party certification. In 2023, Getac implemented several energy-saving initiatives, including improvements to air conditioning temperature settings and lighting efficiency projects. These efforts resulted in a total savings of 77,594 kWh, approximately reducing energy consumption by 279.3384 gigajoules (GJ), with a carbon reduction benefit of 38.4090 metric tons of CO2 equivalent (Ton CO2e). In 2024, Getac will continue to implement a range of energy-saving projects.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory

Getac Technology Corporation has conducted ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory annually since 2021. In 2023, Getac reported third-party verified greenhouse gas emissions totaling 16,308.406 metric tons of CO2 equivalent. Scope 1 GHG emissions totaled 26.7872 metric tons, and Scope 2 GHG emissions totaled 1,193.6374 metric tons, primarily from purchased electricity, accounting for 7.32% of total emissions. Through its ISO 50001 Energy Management System, the company implements energy-saving and carbon-reduction measures as part of its operational management, regularly reviewing energy-saving targets and tracking performance to ensure continuous improvement.
Scope 3 GHG emissions totaled 15,061.1946 metric tons, accounting for 92.35% of total emissions.The primary emission categories in Scope 3 were procurement of goods and services, representing 57.44% of the total.Proactively collaborating with the value chain, we initiated projects such as product carbon footprint assessments and zero landfill waste guidance. Through technological innovation, we reduce material use, develop low-carbon products, and increase the use of recycled materials.

Life cycle GHG emissions and life cycle assessment

Getac Technology Corporation is committed to meeting the standards required by EPEAT, the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool, which is the world’s premier ecolabel for electronics. In response to the Climate Change Mitigation Criteria, we have undertaken several projects, including Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) and Product Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), to evaluate the GHG emissions and environmental impacts across all stages of the product life cycle: manufacturing, transportation, usage, and end-of-life phases. Please refer to the report.

Product Transport Emissions

In 2023, Getac Technology Corporation began conducting an annual assessment of transport emissions for EPEAT-registered products from the point of final product assembly to the customer or transfer of product ownership.The transport emissions results were calculated using the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) Framework and the well to wheel methodology. Please refer to the report.
Annual Product Transport Emissions Report