NC IT Contract Number 204B – Ruggedized Mobile Computing Devices, Accessories, Peripherals

The award establishes a TERM contract pursuant to 09 N.C.A.C. 06 B.0701(b) between vendors and the State. A Term contract’s USE IS MANDATORY for Executive Branch State Agencies. Further, it may be used as a Convenience Contract, available to, but not mandatory for, other governmental and educational entities as permitted by law. Such entities include the North Carolina University System and its member campuses, Instructional components of the 2 02-21-2022 Department of Public Instruction (DPI), Instructional components of the North Carolina Community College System, as well as local (municipal and county) governments.

NC IT 204B Expiration Date: October 31, 2027


Maria Gutierrez, Government Contract Administrator, Getac, Inc.

Eric McKee, Regional Sales Manager, Southeast Central Public Sector, Getac, Inc.