Sustainable Supply Chain

Supplier Sustainable Management

Getac Technology Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Getac or the Company) believes that a solid foundation for effective supply chain management stems from close cooperation with suppliers, sharing risks and mutual benefits. Based on the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, Getac 's parent company, Getac Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Getac Holdings) also references the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, the International Labor Organization's Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct. These frameworks collectively inform the development of Getac's Supplier Code of Conduct. This code requires suppliers to adhere to commitments in corporate social responsibility, uphold fundamental human rights, promote environmental sustainability, comply with relevant laws and regulations, and follow Getac's specific guidelines. Non-compliance may lead to corrective actions or contract termination as stipulated in agreements.
To ensure that suppliers adhere to environmental and social standards, Getac requires all raw material suppliers to sign the " Master Purchase Agreement“. They must fulfill commitments outlined in the contract, including integrity pledges, environmental protection responsibilities, respect for labor rights, prohibition of conflict minerals, and willingness to disclose and provide evidence to facilitate the investigation of mineral sourcing and production processes.

Sustainability Provisions in Getac’s Master Purchase Agreement

  • Guarantees non-use of environmentally hazardous substance and comply with environmental related laws and regulations.
  • Prohibit use of conflict minerals.
  • Prohibition of child labor.
  • Prohibition of forced labor.
  • Respect for freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.
  • Non-discrimination, equal pay for equal work.
  • Protect intellectual property rights and prohibit against infringement of others' trademarks, copyrights, patent rights, and trade secrets.
  • Prohibit offering or accepting bribes, commission rebates, and accepting improper endowments or hospitality.
  • Protecting occupational health and safety.
  • Pollutant emissions and waste disposal comply with environmental regulations.

Getac Supplier Management

Signing Commitment and Contract
  • Letter of Undertaking for Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct
  • Letter of Undertaking for Non-use of Prohibited/Restricted Substances
  • Letter of Undertaking for Non-use of Conflict Minerals
  • Anti-corruption Undertaking (Transactions Exceeding Eighty Thousand Yuan Require Signing)
  • Master Purchase Agreement (Including Sustainability Clauses)
Due Diligence
  • New Supplier Audit
  • Annual Supplier Audit
  • Annual Responsible Minerals Reporting (CMRT, EMRT forms)
  • Submission of RoHS Test Reports and Composition Dat
Risk of Identification
  • Supplier Monthly Rating System
  • Supplier ESG Self-Assessment Questionnair

Annual Supplier Audit

The quality assurance department annually develops an audit plan and audit list for suppliers based on transactions of the current year. Auditors are deployed to conduct on-site audits, covering quality audit systems, restricted substance audit systems, and audits related to environmental health and occupational safety. In 2023, Getac formulated annual audit plans and completed annual audits of suppliers according to supplier guidance regulations. Subsidiaries that have implemented the RBA management system additionally require suppliers to complete the RBA SAQ Self-Assessment Questionnaire.Additionally, we conducted investigations into our Tier 1 key suppliers to understand their RBA VAP verification status.

Prohibiting Procurement Of Conflict Minerals

As a corporate citizen of the world, Getac supports and complies with the Responsible Mineral Initiative (RMI). We do not use conflict minerals that are mined in areas experiencing armed conflict or under conditions that violate human rights, specifically the 3TGs (tin, gold, tantalum and tungsten) extracted from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighboring countries. Getac also adheres to the RBA Code of Conduct and adopts the RMI conflicting minerals report template (CMRT) in 3TG reporting.